Organization from scratch.

Or appropriately titled: Since we’re remodeling, I’m going to start ALL over and try again!

We’re in the midst of remodeling… again. I won’t get into a big whole article about that right now, but I will say this: My husband started “remodeling” our home about 7 or 8 years ago… and we’ve never fully had any room finished.

He’s a 90 per center — he gets started on a project, works all but nonstop till he hits about 70% of the way  through. Then he trudges through another 15 – 20% and just STOPS. He dislikes something that he’s done, something isn’t working, whatever, it doesn’t matter. I’ve not had all 6 of our rooms completely finished in the last decade or so.

This time, we went totally insane. We had some water damage, and basically have renovated the entire house minus the four outside walls. All floors and interior walls have been removed… or will be when we are finished… or at least get to 90%.

And I’m bound and determined to organize this house once and for all. I’ve had lots of storage and organization ideas and solutions here and there, some work, some not so much.

But this time, I’m determined. When our renovations are complete, my house will function will a well-oiled machine.

Hey, a girl can dream, can’t she?

For starters, I spent hours online looking for storage solutions for a small house. What I discovered is there are a lot of people who THINK they have a small house, but in reality I would love a house that size.

The first one I found was about 1050 square feet. The woman of the house had a home business. I thought I had found my twin. Till I realized it was her, her husband and a toddler who wasn’t quite 2. They had a 2 bedroom house, with room for a small office… and she was complaining! HA! Throw in two more kids …teens at that… and then talk to me!

The next was a woman with two teen daughters and a home business. Again, I thought I could relate. Till I realized she had almost 1500 square feet of living space. HA! I’d kill for another 600 square feet of living space. That’s almost another HOUSE for me.

Then there was a lady who lived in 650 square feet. I thought… wow, and I’m complaining?? It was her… and a dog. Quit complaining lady. My dog would love to have half of 650 square feet. Instead he shares 900 square feet with 5 (soon to be 6) humans!

So, I decided since we’re taking everything apart anyway, I would start my organization system and storage solutions from scratch. Everything would be exactly as I want/need it… custom solutions just for me and mine.

All the home decorating books say to start with a list of what you need.

  1. A bigger house.
Oh, wait, I don’t think that’s what they mean. So, I’m off. To make a list. To plan my streamlined, organized, super-de-duper efficient house.
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